Effective: 30th August for approximately two weeks
Due to Power utilities works at 368 Auburn Road, Hawthorn services will be diverting in both directions
To East Kew (Inbound services):
Buses will continue along Tooronga Road, Left at Riversdale Road, Right at Auburn Road and continue as normal
Missed Bus Stops include: 13658, 13655, 13654, 13653 and 13652
Temporary Bus Stop locations: 481 Tooronga Rd, Hawthorn East and 531 Tooronga Road, Hawthorn
To Oakleigh (Outbound services):
Buses will turn Left onto Riversdale Road, Right onto Tooronga Road and continue along returning to normal route
Missed Bus Stops include: 16865, 16867, 16868, 16869 and 16870
Temporary Bus Stop locations: 528 Tooronga Rd, Hawthorn East and 464 Tooronga Rd, Hawthorn East