From 15-26 March, CDC Victoria celebrated its cultural diversity with A Taste of Harmony, an annual event that provides Australian workplaces with the opportunity to celebrate multiculturalism in the workforce.
One in four workers born overseas proudly call Australia home, so it is important we acknowledge and celebrate Victoria’s diverse workforce. Celebrating a significant cultural event like this; brings generations together and promotes social inclusion amongst staff and communities we serve.
Did you know at CDC Victoria, we have staff from over 80 nations? Cultural diversity is therefore important to us as we continue to pride ourselves as a local employer of choice.
For 2021, we continue to engage with our staff and community sparking a variety of depot events across the state encouraging positive conversations and profiling different cultural heritages. From sharing culinary dishes from one’s heritage, dressing up for a day in cultural attire, to video streaming staff members being interviewed on what their cultural heritage means to them; depot celebrations showed a caring sense of unity and diversity.