CDC Victoria has been supporting the Movember campaign since 2018 and are privileged to be the only bus operator nationally to support this great cause. We’re so proud of all our staff and our efforts last year as we raised over $8,500 (Victoria) and over $12,000 (nationally) in the name of men’s health.
This year, even in the midst of COVID-19, we’re keeping up with the tradition and getting groomed for Movember.
Over 280 CDC vehicles Victoria-wide will be sporting a Mo throughout November to raise awareness about men’s health and suicide prevention. This also includes our taxis and our associated business, National Patient Transport vehicles.
Why? Because we care and we want to make a difference!
Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends are facing a health crisis, yet it’s rarely talked about. Men are dying too young. We can’t afford to stay silent. Join the movement by taking part in Movember with us.
You can either donate to our CDC Crumb Catchers team here:
Or visit Movember’s website: and start your own fundraiser.
Whatever you do, don’t just ignore this. Join the cause and let’s get this conversation started.
Send us your Movember photos:
We absolutely love getting photos of our vehicles sporting a Mo. Send us your happy snaps for a chance to be featured on our socials. Be sure to tag us so we see them on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.